Angela Zarate

Have you ever wanted to just escape? Everyone has that one place that soothes your soul. That place for me is the ocean and I wanted to share it with those who may not be able to go in person. Step inside and let me share with you the place that soothes my soul.

Due to COVID-19 people were restricted to their homes and people were not allowed or were cautious about travelling anywhere. August 19, 2020 the Harvard Business Review wrote an article “Thinking of Skipping Vacation? Don’t!” where they go over the benefits of getting time away. It went over what you can do which COVID - 19 is attacking the world.  When reading this article it reminded me of my happy place which is the ocean. I find the ocean extrememly relaxing for my mind and soul. WIth this project I would like to bring you as close to that space as we can here in Chicago. With a projector and some soothing ocean sounds visitors will be able to sit back and feel the ocean breeze with a slight mist on their face.

Angela Zarate

My name is Angela Zarate and I am a senior graphic design major at DePaul University. Some of my favorite design things to design are magazines, brochures and interactive spaces. I really like to see people interacting with my designs. For years I have been utilizing my design skills to create party decor and other supplies for my nieces and nephew. During my off time I enjoy long walks on the beach with my husband and dog.

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Thank you to our Capstone volunteers, including students Leslie Ramirez, Chris Keramidas, Caroline Schlegel, and faculty member Laura Rossi García. Special thanks to 2020–21 Capstone faculty Shiro Akiyoshi, Nathan Matteson, and Heather Snyder Quinn.

College of Computing and Digital Media
School of Design
243 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago IL 60604

Graphic Design Capstone Showcase 2020 and 2021
Advisors: Shiro Akiyoshi, Nathan  Matteson, and Heather Snyder Quinn